The dosimeter ДДГН-02 is designed for use as a means of individual dosimetric control (IDK) for the purpose of obtaining operational information about the accumulated radiation dose at any time without the use of additional devices for reading information. The readings of the dosimeter are taken by visual registration of the readings of the device (looking into the eyepiece of the dosimeter). The presence of an autonomous ZU-250 charger without power sources makes the dosimeter indispensable in field use.
Technical characteristics of the dosimeter DDGN-02
The energy range of photon radiation registered by the dosimeter is from 0.05 to 2.5 MeV
Measurement range of photon and neutron radiation dosimeter from 0.1 to 2 mGy
The energy dependence of the sensitivity of the dosimeter relative to the energy of 1250 keV gamma radiation of the 60C radionuclide in the range of photon energies from 0.05 to 2.5 MeV is in the range from minus 25% to plus 25%
Operating conditions:
ambient temperature from minus 50 °C to plus 50 °C;
temperature change rate - at least 10 °С/hour;
relative humidity - up to 95% (upper limit) at a temperature of + 35 °C;
atmospheric pressure from 66 to 106.7 kPa